Friday, August 5, 2011

Great tips for staying healthy

Since it's summer, you want to stay active and be healthy. (Who doesn't want to look good in their bathing suit?) Being active is a great way to stay healthy and it makes you feel better. When you exercise your body releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy. *CAUTION If you are new to exercising and you work out to hard, you can get hurt. Pace yourself. Being active isn't the only way to be healthy. Eating right is a big part of feeling and looking good. My dad lost a lot of weight just by eating right. He said it was because of portion control. He would have huge portions and that caused weight gain. Also snacking. If you are hungry, don't grab a bag of chips. Get an apple or fruit. Drinking water is also a great way to stay hydrated and healthy. Especially because of the heat waves that has been going on in the world, it is important to drink a lot of water. Another great drink to have is carrot juice. I know it sounds weird but it's great for you. Protein plays a big part of what I eat because I am a vegetarian. I have to have enough protein to stay healthy. (I'll do a whole post about being a vegetarian and being vegan) You pretty much want to have a bit of everything in your diet. Just saying a great breakfast and sometimes snack is Special K dark chocolate. It's so good! You can et any kind of Special K but I love dark chocolate. =) Question of this post ( I know I need a better name...) What do you do to stay healthy??


  1. There's a worldwide heat wave????? AAHHH SOMEBODY SAVE US!!!!!!!

  2. ever hear of the five feet of snow we got this winter?

  3. What about the 112 degree heat waves they've had near California? Or what about when there was heat wave warnings all across the nation??
