Friday, September 23, 2011

Dances-Middle School

School dances are one of the biggest social gatherings. It's fun and you get to hang out with your friends. Middle school dances seem like a big deal when you are in middle school but later you look back and see how much you worried about your outfit and hair when you really didn't. Here are some middle school dance tips that I have picked up. 
1. Don't wear Uggs to the dance! It will be hot and you will be sweaty. 
2. Avoid wearing open toed shoes. I did and my feet got crushed. The next day my toes were purple.
3. Don't wear tons of makeup. Guys don't find that attractive and you only want to enhance your beauty. 
4. Don't be afraid to ask someone to dance! You will just regret it later and it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all!
5. Make sure you wear something appropriate. Nothing too short or tight. It just looks bad and it doesn't look pretty on anyone. 
6. You don't have to go to the dances. Have a Friday night in with some friends. 
Hope this helped

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